Month: September 2018

Pleasure is a mental choice!

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash   Pleasure is a choice.   Some people drink beer for pleasure. Others think it tastes like cheap medicine.   Some people run the marathon for pleasure. Other would rather die than doing it.   So it appears that pleasure is not that thing. It is a choice we make. If…

By Maurice September 21, 2018 Off

You are a SUPERHERO! Whether you know it or not!

Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash   It turns out that most people do not delight in their own good qualities, their virtues and their own self worth enough.   Words are powerful. Words are thoughts. If we want to change our world, we have to change our interpretation of ourselves first. We have to change our minds.…

By Maurice September 20, 2018 Off

The ones who get stuff done feel the same fear, anxiety, panic, self doubt like all of us, the difference is that they do it anyway

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash   A calm mind is a peaceful mind.   When we resist getting stuff done, we are basically taking some fear and exaggerate it until all we feel is fear, anxiety, panic and self doubt. We all know the feeling.     When we resist getting something done, we struggle between…

By Maurice September 10, 2018 Off

Here’s to a limitless you!

Photo by Abhinav Srivastava on Unsplash Limit or no limit, that is the question!  Limit or no limit, that is our choice.   It turns out that we make choices every millisecond by creating thoughts which we then repackage as “solid”, “objective” and “permanent” reality. We then clothe ourselves in self limiting thoughts.   These choices then inform…

By Maurice September 9, 2018 Off