Pleasure is a mental choice!

September 21, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash


Pleasure is a choice.


Some people drink beer for pleasure. Others think it tastes like cheap medicine.


Some people run the marathon for pleasure. Other would rather die than doing it.


So it appears that pleasure is not that thing. It is a choice we make. If we choose to call it pleasure, it is pleasure.


Is pleasure something we “get” to do, rather than we “have” to do?


If so, would we be able to generate more pleasure by simply choosing to change our minds. Right now, I am typing a daily blog. I can choose to think of it as a pleasure, or as something like an assignment I “have” to do as I have made a “commitment” to do it.


Offering someone a service without getting paid for it. Is it a pleasure to be able to do it? Or a thankless pain? You get to choose.


No wonder some people are really relaxed and happy after a long day of physical labour and mental stretching, simply because they consider every act as a pleasure.


No wonder some others feel so mentally drained and physically exhausted after a day, simply by experiencing the negative energy of feeling that they have to do things they don’t really want to do, please people they don’t want to please and being dissatisfied with one thing after another throughout the day.


I am curious, if only you knew that you are the boss who chooses, what would you choose? To tell yourself “YES! it’s my pleasure”? Or to repeat to yourself “not again”, “oh no”….