Let go of the outcome and allow the best version of your art to come out, and not be concerned what others think!
Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash We are frequently attached to the outcome of what we do, and this paralyzes us. And this attachment makes us obsessed with what other people think of our art. And so we give priority to other people’s opinion over our own belief of doing what’s right, what will spark joy…
Be your own therapist: writing daily helps you unpack your own mind, think clearly and improve your mental health.
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Writing a daily blog has had a phenomenal effect on my thinking and writing. In fact, it has made me think more clearly because I have to write it down and have it in public. And it has also made me write more clearly as a result of thinking more clearly. Clearer…
Is what you are thinking about and doing something your are proud of?
Photo by Ichio on Unsplash Ever since I realised that I’m not here for “everyone”, that is I can’t please everyone otherwise I would please no one. That’s when “the penny dropped” for me. If our work is not to gain traction over as wide a circle of people, as many people as possible, and instead is…
A few simple ways to bring the beautiful self awareness back to our lives!
Photo by Anna Sullivan on Unsplash Self awareness is the antidote to the modern busy, internet connected, high pressure, in the moment life. While we are mostly on autopilot throughout the waking hours from the moment we get up till when we go to sleep, with some of us having the smartphones next to our pillows, it definitely…
Change the stories you tell yourself, and transform your life and develop your infinite potential.
Photo by Amanda Flavell on Unsplash Literally. The stories we tell ourselves reflect the real thoughts we have ourselves. They will determine our day. And our days will determine our months and years. They will determine our lives. In short: the story we tell ourselves is what we believe about ourselves. The current state of our lives…
Make the biggest difference in a finite amount of time
Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash Life is short. We don’t know how short but it is definitely short and counting. Many of us have some sort of vague wish to “make a difference” in what we do, and to the people we love and care about, to the community we are associated with. As most often…
“Marketing” is the sum total of all our thoughts, intentions and actions.
Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash I am in charge of “marketing” in my company. Whenever someone who doesn’t know me or my company sees or gets told of my role, the general perception of what I do is: “marketing is the sales function. The job of the marketer is to go out, put a spin on…
Give yourself some quality alternatives to social media, and take back control of your life!
Photo by Laurencia Soesanto on Unsplash Want to take back control of your mind and life? One of the difficulties with eliminating addictive “social media” is that even with the best intentions, when someone switches off the gadget (computer or smartphone), or simply use “willpower” not to check it, there is a sudden vacuum created and…
Acquire less, live more.
Photo by Miguel Orós on Unsplash We have been trained to acquire more, more, more. As in more money, more customers, more “friends”, more everything. This is the metric we have been indoctrinated to believe is the one to judge our life by. On Facebook, we tell ourself the story that we are worthy when we…
Mastering the hard stuff
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash In the new world economy where everyone is available to everyone else in the whole world, it’s increasingly difficult to be average and still maintain loyalty of your customers. It is even difficult to be average and survive and make a living. If you are not careful, you can be replaced…