Let go of the outcome and allow the best version of your art to come out, and not be concerned what others think!

June 24, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash


We are frequently attached to the outcome of what we do, and this paralyzes us. And this attachment makes us obsessed with what other people think of our art.


And so we give priority to other people’s opinion over our own belief of doing what’s right, what will spark joy and what will make a contribution to the community. We allow other people to close the door of our own heart.


There are a thousand people out there who will each have an opinion. That makes a thousand different opinions. When we are concerned about what other people will think, we are actually slave to a thousand masters. They have full power over us.


The alternative is to choose to let go of the outcome.  We still care about the outcome, but we are not attached to it. We will not suffer if the outcome is not what we are fixed on. Then we will be liberated from the tyranny our our own internal speech which constantly amplifies doubts and analyses in minute details what can go wrong and what would the others think.


In short we will go into our work and do what we need to do with peace, with total focus and in mental silence. This way we can truly bring out the best version of ourselves, open the doors of our heart and invite in anyone to share and appreciate our art. As to the thousand opinions, they can be there but they will not get in the way of you producing your art.