Is empathy more likely when we can see, smell, taste and feel what someone else sees, smells, taste and feel?
Photo by Joey Yu on Unsplash When we say this shirt is beautiful, we actually believe without any doubt that this is a statement of the truth, the solid and undeniable truth. We think that we are seeing a beautiful shirt. The reality is that we are not seeing “a beautiful shirt”. We are seeing…
What if we set up a new autopilot system: “delight in our good points and beautiful qualities, and in others and everything…….at all times, starting with the next 24 hours”
Photo by Kenny Krosky on Unsplash Our default mode is to find faults because we want perfection. So we want to “make it right”. We do this with ourselves, and we do this with others. We do this with animate and inanimate things. When we do this to ourselves, we like to tell ourselves we are…
We all invest in our hard practical skills systematically. How many of us invest in our emotional and happiness “soft skills” systematically?
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash It’s hardly rocket science that if we practice the piano we are going to get a better outcome in piano playing. It’s also not difficult to understand that if we are motivated to make better cakes, we have to do something about it: such as finding the recipes, may be…
When we ask “Does what I do or say, or think elevate your life?”, we are actually opening our own doors to our heart to allow deep transformation in ourselves.
Photo by Scott Szarapka on Unsplash When we ask ourselves “what is it for”? What is our work for? And why does it matter? It is not always immediately apparent why we do what we do? Some people say we help reduce labour ( ie reduce manual work…….or automation..), or we reduce costs, or we make a…
The little things we choose not to do every millisecond will determine our lives
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash Every single thought we have, everything single word we say, and every single action we take in every millisecond will have consequences. Accepting that we are the boss of our own thoughts, that we are responsible for them, which by extension means that we create our own words we say…
Failing well leads to success. Keep failing to keep succeeding!
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash Instead of being sad or dissatisfied with ourselves everytime we “fail”, what if we reframe “failure” as part of paving our way to success? What if we love and celebrate failure? What if we see “failure” as a building block of success? As part of the mosaic of success.…
Who is qualified to write a blog? How does it transform the writer, and at what cost?
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash Who is qualified to write a blog? Who can afford it? Simple answer: anyone who can type on a keyboard and who has an internet connection. That’s basically everyone all of us know as people like us (not Octogenarians living in caves in the Himalayas) all have keyboards, an internet connection…
Is walking through air or on water a miracle? Or is everything that manifests in front of us a miracle?
Photo by Martin Reisch on Unsplash There are two ways to live our life. One is as though nothing that we can experience in our daily life is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Instead of Googling to see what a miracle is, or what the definition of a miracle is, I…
Paving the way, one stone at a time. The future is built in the present, one step at a time.
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash Whenever I say “one step at a time”, friends tell me that I am not “thinking enough about the future”, or planning for the future. They say, this is short termism. I admit that it’s entirely possible that one can plan more for the future. But whatever plans for the…
Choose the stories you tell yourself about money and you can choose to smile or frown.
Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash Money is a story that drives many of our emotions and feelings. To be more accurate, the absence of money is the story we tell ourselves. We tell ourselves stories about money. That’s for sure. And that’s not a real problem. The real problem arises when we start believing that…