Thank you for visiting me, “resistance”, I appreciate that…………

April 18, 2018 0 By Maurice




Photo by Eugene Triguba on Unsplash


As I sit down to write my daily blog into my second week, I can feel the “resistance” stirring……..


Heartbeat goes up, discomfort, fear of failure, that it might not be good enough, or people will laugh at it…………..


And the temptation is to find some excuse to do something else (oh, got to check the train timetable for tomorrow first)), or may be tell myself that missing one day is ok, or I haven’t got a perfect title yet, better wait, wait, wait, later, later, later……or where can I hide………..where can I hide? I have announced to the whole world I am shipping daily………..anything but “just do it!” is the energy of the “resistance”


Instead. I am grateful for the “resistance”.   Thank you for visiting me first thing in the morning, dear friend “resistance”.


Thank you for reminding me that what I am resisting is important for my growth and for reminding me that the very reason I have such resistance is that it’s meant for me. It matters to me.


To  look straight at “resistance” is to look straight at what needs to be done. That it matters that we just sit down and do it.   And do it I will.