A little mental reprogramming before breakfast……

April 17, 2018 1 By Maurice



Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash



Here I am again, sitting down, looking at the keyboard and the blank screen.  


Well, not so blank anymore.


Since writing a daily blog, something has shifted!


Just when I thought that I had a fixed ritual in the morning, which I have maintained for a number of years……………something is now pulling at the pillars.


Wherever I am in the world,………getting the necessary business out of the way………like drinking tea, meditation, exercise, breakfast………..before anything requiring “hard choices” present themselves. Now this blog has come in without even an “excuse me” and gone into the main engine room and started to create big waves.


In short, writing a blog has big mental impact. My whole mind in the morning had been undergoing a continuous reprogramme.


It’s having a positive mental health impact.