Acting as if…….

April 12, 2018 2 By Maurice



Photo by Edoardo Busti on Unsplash



This morning I received a super inspirational voice mail from Peter my altMBA coach and current friend and  teacher, in which he spoke about something which I had heard of before but never really hit me or lived.


It’s about changing of posture to:


“Acting as if…………”


I immediately started immediately living it and I discovered it profoundly changed everything.


I was having to deal with a business issue with a client who wanted something that was outside our area of expertise. In the past I would have stopped there. But I told myself to “act as if”……….to act as if I was the most generous businessman on earth, what would I have done?……..


I immediately picked up the phone, called my competitor (who happens to be a friend), and ask if he was distributing what my client needed. He said yes. I immediately contacted my client and connected him with my competitor.


I have never felt better about any business deal I have ever done.


Another thing, I now “act as if” that all of you reading my blog post are super busy, high flying human beings…….and you have no time for my aimless ramblings. You need something short, concise…………and rare and valuable..


Here you are!