Generosity matters, and don’t forget to be generous to yourself……

April 11, 2018 1 By Maurice


Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash


Now that I am following my own advice to “say no to almost everything”………I am finding that in the morning, I am not rushing to switch the phone to check this or that, look at my to do list.  Or see who has answered my messages etc etc…..


For many years now I have not interrupted my habit of doing nothing apart from drinking tea, meditation and tai chi practices for the first 2-3 hours every morning.  But I was still rushing to switch on everything after my still period.


Now I am taking my own advice seriously of “saying no to almost everything”, I am finding that I have suddenly created a lot of space for me to say yes to things and I am now having to really choose what to say yes to.


I decided to choose a positive mental state to say yes to. Generosity. I ask myself the question, what would generosity look like this morning? How would I change my habits and default ways of engaging with the world if generosity is my new compass?


I then discovered that not only do I want to be generous to the world, but I need to be generous to myself first. To be kind to myself. To see all the good and the good stuff in myself and give myself a few pats on my shoulders and to compliment on myself for all the good that I have brought to the world and to myself.


When I am generous to myself, I pass on the positive mental state to everything and everyone I encounter…………