Who is the boss of my thoughts?

April 8, 2018 0 By Maurice

Photo by Nick Herasimenka on Unsplash


Who is the boss now?


On a 12 hour flight, I don’t get to decide on when the plane takes off, what I get to eat, when I can go to toilet or not to go, ………….I am literally a compliant “human-body” who/which is committed to follow rules others have written, if I want to stay out of trouble.


Sitting down in my seat. I realised that I there is one department they can’t boss me around. That’s what goes on in my mind.


Instead of only two choices for dinner. I started seeing the endless unlimited smorgasbord of thoughts I could have. I could ignore any boring thoughts, or I could react positively to some, and react negatively to others.


Wow! 12 hours of feasting ahead of me. I decided to just acknowledge and let go of negative thoughts. And react positively to positive thoughts, and amplify them.


Eventually before going to sleep, I decided to look at the “mental buffet table” for things to be grateful for.  That got me feeling thankful for being physically stuck and still, allowing me to guide my mind to grateful thoughts and creating action plans to do something about whom and which I am grateful to.


I realised then , I am the boss of my own thoughts, after all.