Nostalgia, dreams and gratitude………

April 6, 2018 0 By Maurice


Photo by Ming Jun Tan on Unsplash


Just arrived home in Hong Kong after a long flight. All 12 hours.  Hong Kong-London. London-Hong Kong.


Been on this flight hundreds of times.


Flight of nostalgia, gratitude, community. Window to the world. Dreams of flying high.


When I was small, Hong Kong the size of London, was surrounded by a country 10 million km2 and 1 billion population with whom we had little connection. Our connection was more with the UK.


So, those of us who had the means, the dreams, the imagination, the encouragements……..and who didn’t want to go to USA……..invariably took the Hong Kong -London flight in search of their destiny and meaning.


I am always grateful to this lifeline to our “metropole” then. I am grateful that in the UK a few people (some are still alive, some not) gave me such words of encouragements and told me I could, that I proved that I could.


One side effect of writing this daily blog is that it has made me more aware of the passing of time (24 hours between each hit of the “publish” button……the clock really ticks!), and now I am going to act to go to those people whom I owe such debt of gratitude and tell them!  Before it’s too late.