“I will” or “I will do my best”…………which one will ship?

January 12, 2018 0 By Maurice

Try? Or will!

Photo by Kayle Kaupanger on Unsplash

Today, I had an email from a supplier advising that the delivery date 26th January 2018 that we asked for is:

“Difficult, but we will try our best”

In my experience, when someone says he will “try his best”, it is 95% guaranteed that it will not be shipped on time.

So I replied that since it is “difficult” but not “impossible”, then I will say: it will have to be delivered 26th January. DEADLINE!

The reality is that there is a massive difference between the words.

(1) “I will do my best”


 (2) “I will do xxxxx”

No.1 is putting a side door for escape, No. 2 is a commitment, a vow….call it what you like. But I will trust and take No.2 anytime.