4 simple words that will transform 100X your effectiveness and bring you more success than you have ever imagined.
If we define success as offering something truly valuable and unique to the world, then the following 3 words. will help you create enormous value: FOCUS COMMITMENT CONSISTENCY Well, actually 4 words. The diamond of words is EXTREME. So, EXTREME FOCUS EXTREME COMMITMENT EXTREME CONSISTENCY (1) Extreme focus When we are extremely focussed, we are…
Doing the “IMPOSSIBLE” starts with “I’M POSSIBLE”
Our mind is like an artist which is able to paint what we want on a canvas. We give meaning to the situation and so any situation is less important than the meaning we give to it. And so especially when I am stuck, I remind myself to see how I can change the way…
If you want to move someone to take important impactful action, first help them by inviting them to step into a new story of a future of possibilities.
Recently I was in Barcelona, Spain for business, and I took the opportunity to drop in and meet up briefly with a friend who wants to sell his factory located in Barcelona, potentially to someone with deep pockets in Asia. He wants to sell his factory because he has been running the family owned business…