You have something uniquely “YOU”, inside you no one else has . You merely need to bring it out and ship it NOW.
We are our own biggest self critique. This means that our internal speech keeps reminding us that we are not “good enough”. That we need to “do better”.
I have a feeling that these two words get in our own way of delivery of our work.
“Do better” implies that we are doing it and that we need to “do” it “better”. Both these words seriously get in the way of merely doing our work.
What if we change our narrative and telling ourselves that we are not doing it. We are being done. That the doing is done “through us” instead of “by us”. And allow whatever is being done is done through us. It suddenly becomes less personal and we can immediately feel we can step back and allow the work to come out without our internal judgement and without worrying about our reputation and what others think.
Suddenly we are liberated from our own self criticism and being the transformative journey to delighting in all our little great qualities and enjoy being done and being good enough to share whatever is inside each of us.
The “good enough” that’s inside each of us and which we so often stop it coming out, is in fact the genius quality stuff as it’s the thing that is uniquely us. Nothing interchangeable and replaceable. Something unique we can bring to the world.