If you try this “tiny habit” your life will improve 10m times, and you are bound to be happier.
For those of us who make gratitude a regular practice, taking our attention out with intention to be grateful about something or someone, we realise by now that we can be grateful about everything that comes our way. We can be grateful about the things that go well, and the things that don’t go so well, and eventually even the things that go badly.
But for starters and for people at the start of the gratitude journey, for the very least, it is easier to make the tiny effort of being grateful about things that are going well.
This may sound like obvious but in reality it’s not obvious for most of us.
We are swimming in a huge ocean of negative reactions. It’s very difficult to see anything positive when we have the habit of seeing only the negative.
So here goes one tiny habit.
The tiny habit is to “just” find something going well, and be grateful for it. And to create an anchor that will trigger this tiny habit.
The anchor could be “drinking tea”, or even “peeing”, or anything that we do regularly. So whenever we do our anchor, say “drink tea”, then when we drink tea, we just do the “tiny habit” of being grateful about something going well. There are literally millions of things we can choose to be grateful for.
We could be grateful for “I’m still breathing”, “there is no earthquake today”, “my family are all home”, or “my family are all out, so I can have a rest”, “I have clean tap water”, “my son says hi when he comes home”, “I can pee by myself”………….I can go on for another 24 hours………………………..
It’s a tiny habit that takes about 10 seconds and costs no money. Does it make a difference to everything you see…………….?