Infinite patience produces immediate results

November 5, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Madhu Shesharam on Unsplash

When we hear this it sounds contradictory. It’s contradictory because we have been programmed to think that patience equals long, long wait.


In fact, patience has a much wider meaning. Patience is the opposite of impatience.


What is impatience? Simply put, impatience is an attachment. Attachment to how things “should be”, and when attachment doesn’t get what it wants, it leads to anger.  And technically impatience is a polite word for anger. Just like “upset” is a polite word for anger.


When we have patience, it means that we have given up impatience. Attachment no longer has a hold on us. We are free or liberated from attachment. That in a logical way means that we have certainty of outcome. We are certain that whatever comes our way is 100% acceptable, and we can handle it.


When we have certainty of outcome, we are no longer stressed. We are relaxed. We are patient. We no longer react negatively to what our attachment doesn’t get what it wants.


Once we have shifted to this viewpoint we can nurture, water and grow our patience. We can spend more of our energy thinking of the positive outcomes we want and put our efforts mindfully into making the desired outcomes manifest.  THis is entirely within our control and immediate results can only be in our lap.


I am curious, if we are sure that infinite patience produces immediate results, would we not do all we can to develop our infinite patience?