Delighting in your own good qualities, and of others, pays huge dividends.

October 28, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Juliana Amorim on Unsplash

We love calling people names. We are obsessed with labelling people.


Nowadays it’s politically incorrect to call someone “the Asian guy” or “the grumpy granny”, but we still do label people nonstop.  


That “jerk”. It’s a label, just in case you have not noticed. It’s not an undeniable solid fact caste in stone and agreed by the whole world, that the subject of our label is a “jerk”. We are simply projecting a label created by our own mind onto someone.


In fact, the truth is that we are projecting our own “jerkness” onto someone else when we label someone else. It turns out that when we label someone else a jerk, we are the real jerk.


It also turns out that we are indirectly and subconsciously in reality calling ourselves names when we call others names.


Hey people, do yourself a favour. Back off from calling other people names and watch what happens to your own mind. By backing off from calling other people names, the energy which also calls yourself names subconsciously, also known as finding faults with yourself, will miraculously reduce.


And guess what? You will immediately delight more in your own good qualities, as well as the good qualities in others.


Everyone you see will change because you have changed the way you see everyone.


Delighting in your own good qualities, and of others, pays huge dividends