Quality of every experience we put out into the world matters!

October 12, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

When we offer someone help, or when we offer a physical gift like a meal or a ride, or when we offer a piece of advice, we very often feel under appreciated or we don’t get the result/effect we intended and we are frustrated.


In a world where we are bombarded with more than we can cope with, including gifts and offers to help, and little time and attention to saviour every little experience and moment we have, the tragedy is that we have mostly lost the ability to take one little delight and amplify it. Because everything is so easily available, at the touch of a click, it’s a “buyer’s market” of feelings and experiences.


So what can we do as a provider of help and services, whether as a charity or as a commercial entity?


It seems that although there is a huge tsunami of supplies of every imaginable services and experiences, we can see that the superficial stuff is increasing exponentially and taking people’s attention by storm.  


But the deep human experience of being listened to deeply and compassionately, of feeling belonging to an intimate group and of loyal and long term human to human connection is more and more difficult to find.  This is where those of us who want to bring something of higher value and those of us who want to bring meaning and social impact to people have a responsibility and role to play.


In a world where attention span is getting shorter, and where attention is more and more difficult to get, we can invest our time and energy helping people enhance the quality of their daily experiences. These little thoughtful actions can have very important long term consequences for the recipients.


Quality of engagement and experiences in our moment to moment journey in the world matters. I am curious, how many of us have the patience needed to plant and nurture the seeds………?