We don’t need someone else to endorse us or confirm that we are special. We are all already super special.

August 18, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

We all want to feel special. And many of us are waiting for someone else to endorse us or confirm that we are special.


Speak up and stand out.


I am challenging to change the way you see yourself. You don’t have to look for your specialness. You don’t need any outside help. All you’ve got to do is not suppress your specialness.


I am interpreting this differently and hope that it will help you see a version of yourself you were blind to before. We all have great ideas in our head and strong core values in our heart. It’s just that the pressure to conform to what others expect of us, or what we believe others expect of us, or to “fit in”, has forced us to suppress all our ideas and values as soon as they raise their head.


It’s as if we are holding a hammer and everytime our ideas give an inkling of coming out, we bash them with our conformity, telling them “how dare you stick your head out, you don’t deserve to come out…………other more capable, smarter, more courageous people will laugh at you”.


And so we practice bashing our own ideas and sabotage our specialness, and we practice conforming to what everyone thinks and be a conformist. We are scared of being laughed at, or being ridiculed because we were laughed at or ridiculed before and so we suppress all our originality and specialness in order to avoid this pain.


What we don’t realise is that suppressing one pain create another bigger pain. We create the pain of living an inauthentic life dictated by the false safety of conformity, of hiding in the “average”, of suppressing what’s brewing in our head and in our heart.


I am curious, what would it feel like to simply drop the metaphorical hammer and stop hammering your great ideas and values, and simply say to yourself, “I don’t care what others think, I will live them”, and “I know it’s impossible, but I will do it anyway”……….?


What would it feel like to simply delight in your good special qualities and ignore what anyone else thinks?