When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. At anytime, in anywhere, don’t blink!

August 14, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Jose Aragones on Unsplash


Suppose we get to sit at the same table with Nelson Mandela or the Dalai Lama, wow that’s as big a selfie or photo opportunity as it can get.  It will guarantee to attract maximum Facebook “likes”.


But then what? The real question is: are we sitting there mentally? Are we able to receive even 0.0001% of their energy and use it to do our internal work?  


When we think of their working hypothesis of the universe, or their way of interpreting the world, or their way of only sending love to everyone and everything, etc are tools we can borrow to help us in our journeys, then it’s only really urgent that we sit with them mentally as much as we can and do what is beneficial.


Well, the odds of an average regular person like me (or may be you)   sitting down with Nelson Mandela or the Dalai Lama is pretty low. It is one in a million chance to be able to hang out with someone as rare as Nelson Mandela or the Dalai Lama, or Gandhi.


But we do get a chance of meeting someone who is also rare, but not that rare. Someone who is more compassionate, more loving, kinder, ……..and less neurotic, less low self esteem, less jealous, less attached……….and when we do have the fortune of being in the company of someone who is more evolved in their journey. If we do recognise such a person we can take a deep breath and realise that not one second is to be wasted. It’s time to be mentally present with them, put everything else down and drink in their energies like we haven’t had a drink for weeks in the desert.


By learning to recognise people who can help us, and be opened to be with them mentally, we are opening the doors to our own evolution.


When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. At anytime, in anywhere, don’t blink!