Every time we offload the responsibility of unsatisfactory result to the outside world, we are giving up the chance to develop our thought models to improve the odds for the next time

August 13, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash


When something has not worked out, or when we lose a “competition”, or when an idea of ours is not accepted by the market or our audience, it’s feels good to blame “luck” or the economy or “other people”, the “world”………etc. It feels good to offload the responsibility to the outside world.


We normally assign the causes “out there”.


When we do this, we simply create a story to wrap up the problem and let ourselves off the hook. When we let ourselves off the hook, we literally give up doing the internal work of facing our own thoughts, speech and actions to improve the odds in future.


Every action we have ever taken has been a result of our thoughts. In fact, everything ever made in the universe has been the result of thoughts of someone. Nothing can be built, or destroyed without a thought coming first. Nothing can happen without a thought coming first. Thoughts create actions and habits. Habit energy create most of the results.


I am curious, if instead of simply finding external causes, we actually do the inner work of looking at our own thoughts which created the actions which led to the results, might we not be able to take more ownership of what we can change or not change, to put ourselves in the driving seat to improve the odds for the next try?