Switch from: “what can I get?” or “what’s in it for me?”, to : “how may I give?”, “how may I serve?” and watch your level of happiness rise. And experience success you never imagined possible!

August 10, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Morvanic Lee on Unsplash

Zig Ziglar said: “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”.


What do we want in life? That’s a very important question. But whatever it is that we want, I am curious whether many people agree that it’s happiness that we want ultimately. And all the other things that we want such as money, power, reputation,……….all are simply things that we imagine would make us happy if only we had them.


In practice though, it’s quite obvious that when money, power, reputation or whatever that we think will bring us happiness, show up, happiness doesn’t always come together. In fact, very often the opposite shows up.


So instead of trying to “get” money, power, reputation……….how about giving whatever we can give. We can always give something as long as we are breathing. If we switch our direction everytime we start thinking “what can I get?” or “what’s in it for me?”, we reverse the thought to “how may I give?”, “how may I serve?”, without thinking what benefit is in it for me.


Try it out my friend, and I guarantee your happiness level will rise. And who knows, you will paradoxically “get” more of what you want by simple stop thinking about it, and devote your energy to giving more to what other people need……..