Hey, you don’t need to work on your reputation. You need to work on self acceptance. You have a beautiful inner job to do.

August 7, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Robert Baker on Unsplash

The attachment to reputation, otherwise known as “what others think of me”, is the worse attachment to have. It causes the most suffering. And one of the mindsets related to this is the “comparison of ourselves with others.”


When we compare ourselves with others, we are wasting precious energy focussing on other people’s lives rather than our own.


When we compare, we always perceive someone else as either better off than ourselves or worse off than ourselves. We always judge someone’s skill in something as better or worse. Or someone’s power is more or less than ours. Or someone is richer or poorer than us.


Comparison could be based on almost anything, appearance, health, wealth, education, happiness, strength, speed………….it’s endless.


It’s unhealthy if we feel good if we are “better” than someone else. Because the “better” is based on an arbitrary metric we are cruelly imposing on ourselves. And we feel bad when we tell ourselves that we are worse than others in another metric.


What if we see ourselves as already “perfect”. Perfect in the sense that we accept every single thing in ourselves as being exactly where it should be at this very moment, and that others are also “perfect” in being what they are.


We start with full acceptance of everything about ourselves. When we open our heart to full acceptance of ourselves, we also allow ourselves to accept everyone else on the planet as being “perfect”.


We free ourselves from the “better” or “worse” and instead see everyone with the eyes of compassion and love. We liberated ourselves from the slavery of “reputation”.


We what is right now, in front of us. We enjoy ourselves. And we allow whatever comes on the way, and perhaps make changes to amplify the “perfection”.