Do you really want to do deep and meaningful work? Supercharge your effectiveness 1000X by dumping “multitasking” and embracing “unitasking” instead.
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash To go really deeply into anything is scary. Because it necessarily requires us to be ruthlessly saying no to all other shallow stuff, while we are engaged with the deep work in front of us. It means abandoning the “multitasking” mindset that we have been brainwashed into believing or trained by modern…
A powerful mental shift: Nothing is “wrong”. Everything is “right”.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash In the past week, I did not ship a daily blog for a whole week. I was with a family member who needed my full attention and help, and support 7/24. Did something go wrong? Probably it’s “normal” to think something has gone “wrong” when something (my daily blog) hasn’t gone…