Each distraction is not a big deal. But little by little, they add up to destroy you COMPLETELY.

June 8, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Jacob Ufkes on Unsplash

Distraction is BIG!  Starting with getting up in the morning, we run towards distractions in the form of social media and checking messages coming from 5 different apps and emails.


Some of us switch on the 10 different sports channels and news channels.


When you open the gate of social media, whatsapps, emails and cable news all the modern internet stuff, it is as if you are opening your kitchen door and allowing everyone and anyone to deliver good food, revolting food, pure crap, rotten stuff, poisonous stuff, dead rats………….anything imaginable good and bad from the whole world into your good kitchen.


No wonder your kitchen stinks.


When good food gets mixed up with crap. The good stuff doesn’t turn the crap into good stuff. It’s the other way around. Even a tiny bit of rotten food will contaminate your entire lot of fresh, nutritious food and turn them into toxic stuff.


A day of distractions and serving crap to your mind starts in earnest.


That’s great news. There is a secret that’s priceless for people who know it.


The majority of the world’s population are getting more and more distracted. Even the die-hard resisters of the internet and smartphones (the “laggards”) are now finally surrendering and joining the masses who are holding a smart phone in their hands and checking everything whenever they are bored. Very soon, there will not be a single human on earth who is not holding a smart phone with an internet connection.


That’s a great opportunity for people who see this and have the guts to change their behaviour and actions.  Because if you are one of the rare ones who are not so distracted, you are miles ahead in every good work you do.  You will literally be the boss of your own mind.


The first step is to see distraction for what it is. Poison.


Just like poison, a tiny dosage will not kill you immediately. In fact, a lot of poisons are healthy if we intentionally take the optimum amount. But if we start allowing the poison to decide how much poison comes into our body, we will be destroyed very fast.


So the next time we are bored, do we open the doors to our mind and allow everything to come in? Or do we schedule when we are intentionally opening our doors, and stick to the schedule ruthlessly to protect ourselves.


I am curious, how many of us will intentionally allow rotten food and dead rats into our kitchen?