Today is not a rehearsal. Act as if it’s your last day.

June 6, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash


It’s easier to tell ourselves that what we do today is a rehearsal.


In reality, the past has gone and the future is uncertain, unpredictable and has not come yet.   So today is the only day we have that we can touch. It is a wonder we are living today.


Everyday up to now is rehearsal, but today is not a rehearsal. It could well be our last day in this world. In every country and every city, there will be plenty of people who will go to bed tonight and not wake up tomorrow morning. The idea of living today as if it was the last day is not an abstract concept. It is the reality.


If we realise that today cannot happen twice, and today could be the last day, then we have no option but to live with spontaneity and act like it’s the most important show ever.


If today was the last day we get to act with generosity or offer our presence to those who matter most to us, or spark joy in people who need help to, or help the communities in need, would we allow stuff that don’t matter get into our schedule or even our consciousness?  Would we allow any excuse to stop us doing what needs to be done?


If this day will not happen twice, would we delay in our plans to reach out to those who have helped us to become who we are and tell them clearly the value they created in our lives, or go to apologise to people we owe an apology, or just clear up any misunderstanding we have with people close to us?   


I am curious, if today was the last day, and everything we have done so far is rehearsal, are we still thinking about waiting till tomorrow to do things that matter, instead of acting RIGHT NOW?