Where is the “miracles buffet”? I can’t see it!

May 21, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Benjamin Ashton on Unsplash

A few days ago someone told me: “unless there is a miracle coming soon, we are going to be in trouble…………..”


And immediately I felt empathy for him, putting myself in his shoes and started seeing life and the world as a place where miracles are rare and in short supply, or non existent….. almost something totally out of reach of ordinary human experience.


I felt for him for missing out on the Smorgasbord of “miracles” just a few metres away …………and he is putting himself out of reach of the buffet table.   Or he is denying himself by having a permanent “miracles fast”.   What a pity.


Miracles are rare for people who don’t see it. But once someone has seen and touched a miracle, he cannot unsee it.  And he sees a tsunami of miracles hurtling themselves towards him.  In fact, he see nothing but miracles.  


When we are alive and we don’t touch the miracle of being alive, it’s like being in a party and not realising that it’s a party.  We treasure and appreciate a good party because we realise that a party is not permanent, and it’s a privilege to be invited to one. So we appreciate a party because we are aware of “non party”. So it is with being alive, we treasure it more because it is not something to be taken for granted. In short it is a miracle, because so many unlikely conditions have to come together to make this life manifest as it is.


Once we touch the miracle of being alive, we start to see the miracle of having air to breath in and out. The miracle of having clean water to drink, and the miracle of having a reasonably healthy body, and ……………………………


It is a miracle that no one comes at night in a B52 bomber to drop bombs onto our house……….if you don’t think that’s  a miracle, ask the children in Afghanistan or other war torn countries……….


I am curious, if we start seeing every little “insignificant” condition which makes our life sustainable as a miracle, would we be able to start sparking more joy in ourselves and those around us? and would we wait until we see people walking on water or thin air before we can say YES to miracles, and to celebrate the thousands of miracles we are already living in every minute of this life?