“Do” one thing that scares you everyday.

May 15, 2018 Off By Maurice

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

Doing something not done or tried before and, making outrageous promises to ship , all feels scary.  They are scary.


Repeating what I did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before……..is easy and comfortable. And so it was easier to gravitate towards familiar and easy stuff.  Until I woke up one day and realised that I was losing the “growth” touch. I was not growing with the times.


That’s when I decided to challenge myself to do one thing scary everyday.


Writing a blog to be published to the world. That was scary, especially for someone like me who has never published anything before. And to announce to everyone I am shipping it regularly, was scary.  And to promise to ship “daily”, that was super scary.


And I figured that if to do something a little scary was a good and beneficial challenge, then to do something super scary would be a great tsunami of a challenge.


I did it and I discovered that the “scary” part was a huge anti climax. Because once it’s shipped, and shipped again, and again……….it becomes totally unscary.


Next I move onto videos, scary became unscary. Same with everything that required facing fear and resistance.


Suddenly, I realised that thinking about it makes it scary. As soon as we “do” it, and put the mind to the acting part instead to the “thinking” part, the scary part shrinks until it doesn’t get in the way.


So, now I just “do” one thing that scares me, instead of “thinking about” doing that scary thing.


I am curious, would this work for other people too?  Just jump in and do it, instead of thinking about it?