What exactly is Facebook?
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash
What is Facebook to you?
For the owners of Facebook, it’s definitely a huge money generating machine. They are probably the happiest of all among the Facebook community (if for them happiness=amount of money.)
For me it’s a really useful place for finding lost friends, or to connect with a few groups I am in (like alumni group) and to occasionally see if any neglected friends are there.
It’s a bit like television used to be. It’s a useful tool for someone who knows what he is doing with it or looking for.
But for many people who use it to hide from doing hard work or useful work, or even to survive, Facebook is a place to avoid meeting the real challenges.
For some, it could be a “free” dopamine fix.
For yet others, it’s a huge time drain.
I am curious, would asking oneself “what is Facebook to me?” help clarify what we are looking for and be more intentional in what we do with it?